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Don't know what a handler is? See the Architecture section.

This is a implementation that will return a function that expect to receive the following arguments: context and event, respectively.

function(context, event) {...}


First, install the types for this adapter:

npm i --save-dev @azure/[email protected]


By default we use log property inside Context as default logger for this library .

We detect when the log instance is created with createDefaultLogger and then replace this instance with the instance inside Context.

If you want to log using the original instance createDefaultLogger, you can set the useContextLogWhenInternalLogger option to false for AzureHandlerOptions.

import { AzureHandler } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/handlers/azure';

const handler = new AzureHandler({
useContextLogWhenInternalLogger: false,


First, you need to configure your function.json to be able to receive all requests from Azure.

"bindings": [
"authLevel": "anonymous",
"type": "httpTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"name": "req",
"route": "{*segments}"
"type": "http",
"direction": "out",
"name": "$return"

Then, you can import and call the method setHandler, as per the code below:

import { ServerlessAdapter } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter';
import { AzureHandler } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/handlers/azure';
import { PromiseResolver } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/resolvers/promise';
import { HttpTriggerV4Adapter } from '@h4ad/serverless-adapter/adapters/azure';
import app from './app';

export default
.setHandler(new AzureHandler())
.setResolver(new PromiseResolver())
// continue to set the other options here.
// .setFramework(new ExpressFramework())
.addAdapter(new HttpTriggerV4Adapter())

Be careful when exporting the handler because in azure you must export default and in DefaultHandler you must export const handler.

The above code will add support for Azure Http Trigger V4, to learn more about Http Trigger, see the adapter docs.


You MUST use PromiseResolver to integrate with AzureHandler, other resolvers didn't work with Azure.


You can see examples of how to use here.